Partial Stat Day:
AM Blood Glucose: Time: 1441 Reading: 134 |
AM Blood Pressure: Not taken |
PM 60" Dig Temp: Time: 2207 Reading: 98.7 |
PM Blood Glucose: Not taken |
Miscellaneous Note: Today was an official sleep day for Mom. When I roused her from her nap she wasn't interested in getting up. I had already known, from the way the up part of her day had already gone, that she was verrrry tired. She also reported that she wasn't hungry and wanted to go back to sleep "for the night".
I suggested that we get her up on the edge of the bed, feed her a very light dinner, get some fluid in her, have her take those pills which are necessary (see Medication Notes) and, if she still wanted to go back to sleep, that would be fine.
I also took her temp. It was slightly elevated, for her. We had a lively hour-long visit while she was awake, eating and drinking. She decided afterward, though, that she definitely wanted to go back to sleep, so I let her.
I'm not sure whether she was recovering from the visit, whether she wasn't feeling good for some other reason, or what, but I decided to trust her instincts about sleep.
Medication Changes:
- 325 mg acetaminophen at 2030 for slightly elevated temp
- Skipped 2nd glipizide because of extremely light "dinner"
- Skipped 3rd breathing treatment
- Up at 1430
- Down for nap at 1900
- Up from nap at 2130
- Down for night at 2230
- Awake 5.5 hours