Mom's Daily Tests & Meds - Current

A continuation of Mom's Daily Tests & Meds

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1352
    Reading:  128
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1349
    BP:  164/80
    Pulse:  70
A.M. 60" Dig Temp:
    Time:  1430
    Reading:  97.0

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2045
    Reading:  161

Medication Changes:
  • I'm not sure whether I skipped a day or we got 11 pills instead of 10...actually, considering that I loaded up the pill box meticulously, I think we may have gotten an extra pill. I even went back to check my entries to see if I'd made a mistake, here. I hadn't. At any rate, there was a Levaquin 500 mg in her slot for last night's pills, so I gave it to her. Either it's the 11th pill in a 10 day course or the 10th pill. Not sure.
  • 4 oz prune juice before bed
  • skipped 3rd breathing treatment; she wasn't up a lot, today, at the right times.
    Dinner:  1/4 dark meat roast chicken; deli potato salad, about 3/4 cup; Brussels sprouts, about 3/4 cup. A medium scoop of lemon sorbet and a medium scoop of wild berry gelato for dessert.
  • Awake at 1330
  • Down for nap at 1700
  • Up from nap at 2030
  • Down for the night at 0000
  • Awake for 7 hours


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