Mom's Daily Tests & Meds - Current

A continuation of Mom's Daily Tests & Meds

Monday, July 9, 2007

Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  13:34
    Reading:  122
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  13:38
    BP:  138/66
    Pulse:  56

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  19:54
    Reading:  166
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  19:47
    BP:  119/58
    Pulse:  67

    Breakfast was normal, but lunch and dinner sort of ended up toppled.
    When she awoke from her nap she was hungry for "just a little something", so I gave her two ounces of peanuts. An hour later she wanted "something else, not dinner, though." So, I figured, popcorn. That sounded good to her. I figured, though, by this time, I'd better administer her pills, so I did. I think her BG was reflecting the peanuts. We'll see in "the morning", though.


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