Mom's Daily Tests & Meds - Current

A continuation of Mom's Daily Tests & Meds

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

BM Quarter Stat Day:

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2107
    Reading:  128
Not taken

    Today was an extremely relaxed day. In the "morning", I started checking her at noon but let her go. Around 1430 or so, I think it's recorded over at the main journal site, I started talking to her. Got her to the bathroom, began preparing everything that happens around her bath and before I knew it she was back in bed. I think she finally arose around 1530, as we were at the "breakfast" table by 1630.
    And, yes, she even took a nap, although I'm used to this heavy duty sleep day nap routine, now. The "nap" usually only lasts about a half hour and doesn't involve sleep. I think she lays down to straighten her back out.
    I forgot to administer her meds again last night; the third iron and lisinopril. I think she'll live, though.
    She had a typical lunch of V-8 juice with 1 tsp curry powder and a mixture of peanuts and cashews maybe two hours before her BG was taken.
    For dinner I served, oh yeah, broiled-in-basil-butter-and-lemon-juice salmon filets. And slices of jalapeno Jack cheese. That's all we wanted.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred at around 1545: Good volume; excellent consistency; very easy elimination; very easy clean-up.
    She didn't make it through all of The L Word last night. She begged off the second episode. It didn't matter, I wasn't really watching it anyway. I realize, now, though, that I forgot to rubdown her legs.
    Must do her hair today.
    Retired at 2330. Light out at 0000, 1/3/07.


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