Mom's Daily Tests & Meds - Current

A continuation of Mom's Daily Tests & Meds

Monday, January 1, 2007

No Stats Today:

    No devices of torture. No water torture. No trying to keep Mom up when she wants to sleep. Just a very easy day.
    Breakfast: Normal, except she wanted a sweet roll so I thawed and heated one of those apple dumpling rolls for her.
    Lunch: Coffee.
    Dinner: One bag microwave popcorn with 1/2 stick butter and V-8 juice with 1 tsp Maharajah curry powder (with saffron).
    I guess we'll find out today if she got enough food and water. Received two 10 mg glipizides with breakfast. Forgot to administer the third lisinopril and iron at bedtime, though.
    Stayed up through both L Word catch-up episodes. Retired at 0015, 1/2/07. Light went out at 0045.


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